Ann inside the show flat one of the former 8 bedded wards.
On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Sully hospital in 1986 a booklet was published to commemorate the event.
I have got a copy of the booklet and it contains some interesting social and medical facts.
Sully was the last of the hospitals to be built for TB patients and it was specifically a hospital not a sanatorium. The first patients were all in an advanced stage of the disease and the deaths were unfortunately large.
In other cases, before the arrival of drugs, many patients were kept in for two to three years.
It had 300 beds and is situated on the coast between Sully and Penarth about seven miles from Cardiff facing the Somerset and North Devon coast.
The building was devised with the idea of forming traps for "sun heated air" and to provide shelter not only from the south-west gale but from the extreme heat of the afternoon sun.
Incidentally this shape has resulted in a considerable economy since it not only reduces the length of windows but also the overall lengths of the buildings.
The ward blocks are in a double "V" formation facing the sea, three storeys high and each floor accommodated one hundred patients.
In all there were six ward units each containing fifty beds
Each ward unit contained two eight bedded wards, 6 four bedded wards and ten single rooms.
Sully contained many interesting fitments well ahead of its time like built in wardrobes bed head-lights, dish washing machines , refrigerators and a steam heated kettle in each ward kitchen.
Fireplaces were provided in day rooms in addition to the central heating throughout the building.
Yet another example of how Sully, the "model hospital" differed from the traditional TB sanatorium!